Message from General Secretary
<a id="top" name="top">[lnk]</a>The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) has been offering a wide range ofprogrammes supporting young scientists as well as experienced researchers. The programs offered by the AvH have some unique features that make them more rewarding, both personally and professionally, than the comparable programs elsewhere. One of the fascinating features of the AvH programs is that the selection is based solely on a single criterion, the applicant’s academic excellence. Thus, by the statement “we support people, not projects”, the AvH strongly ensures researchers’ personal reward, which automatically brings up professional achievement and success, as the AvH believes and further states,“…even in times of increasing teamwork, it is the individual’s ability anddedication that are decisive for academic success”.
Another unique feature of the AvH programs is that AvH maintains contact with every single Humboldtian worldwide along with promoting academic contacts between Humboldtians themselves. The network currently comprises more than 25,000 scientists and scholars from all disciplines in over130 countries including 48 Nobel Laureates. The network has createda unique opportunity to exchange ideas and share knowledge among the world’s top quality researchers in various disciplines. With the slogan “Once Humboldtianis always Humboldtian”, the network along with the alumni support programs of AvH has significant and long-term influence on the career and life of an Humboldtian. Thus, Humboldtians have a feeling that being an Humboldtian is something different. Here, I take the opportunity to congratulate all Humboldtians around the globe and in particular the members of the Association of Humboldt Fellows Bangladesh (AHFB) for being a part of an outstanding academic community.
I would like to remember the first Humboldt Fellow from Bangladesh, Late Professor Syed Bazle Ali, who founded the Humboldt Club Bangladesh in 1983, which later took the form of the AHFB. Also, I must acknowledge the effort and contribution of the senior members especially Professor M. Muhibur Rahman and Professor Rafiqul Islam who lead the AHFB to its current state. The supports from the AvH, the Embassyof Germany in Bangladesh, and the Goethe Institute must deserve appreciationsfor their steady supports to promote the activities of this most prestigiousprofessional organization in Bangladesh.
As the world is changing more rapidly thanever, scientists are faced with new challenges and their responsibility towardthe society is getting more and more recognized. As we all know, crises related to global climate change have intensified in such a manner in the last decades that many nations are living at the edge, and unfortunately, Bangladesh is amongst the most vulnerable of them. I strongly believe that the Humboldtians will take the lead in foreseeable future to work out the way to cope with the crises andrecover from the edge.  
I hope this website will work as an effective platform for interacting among Humboldtians as well as a source of information and inspiration for prospective future Humboldtians.

Professor Masum Ahmad

Department of Entomology

Bangladesh Agricultural University


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