Message from the Secretary
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On behalf of the Association of Humboldt Fellows Bangladesh I welcome you to this site. I am very much happy that at last we have a website of our own and I firmly believe that this will help in diminishing information gap between the Humboldt Fellows of our country and will be helpful not only to the members of this Association but to all Humboldt Fellows around the globe, to the Humboldt Foundation and to young potential future Humboldtians.

As a matter of fact Humboldt Association in Bangladesh is one of the oldest of its kind in South East Asia, which was first formed in 1983 under the initiative of late Prof. Dr. Syed M. Bazle Ali and Prof. Dr. M. Muhibur Rahman as Founder President and General Secretary respectively. Initially its name was Humboldt Club Bangladesh. Since 2004 it has been renamed as Association of Humboldt Fellows Bangladesh. In recent years the Association has been significantly activated, achieving its aims and objectives. One of the important tasks of this Association is to maintain close liaison with: the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bangladesh, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Alumni Association of Bangladesh and international Networking of Humboldt Associations and Fellows of different disciplines.

This Association is an association of scholarly researchers and professionals of our society, who by dint of their outstanding achievements in research, have been awarded with post-doctoral Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Bonn, one of the most prestigious Fellowships of its kind in the world. All of our members strongly support the ideals and aims of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.

I hope this website will help all Humboldt Fellows of our country to interact with each other and to know in advance of our planned future activities. The research areas of all Life Members of our Association are given to help building up international networking with our alumni in their respective fields of interest. I feel very happy now especially due to the fact that this website could be developed at the eve of the First Humboldt Kolleg- International Conference in Bangladesh and I look forward to hearing from you and meeting many of you in person in the conference: “Environmental Challenges in the New Millennium” scheduled to be held in Dhaka from 19-21 November, 2009.

How nice I feel to hear from the Humboldt Foundation: “ Once you are Humboldtian, life long you are Humboldtian.” I am proud to be a member of the Humboldt Family. Let all Humboldtians in the globe unite together to make this universe a better place to live.

With my best wishes,

Dr.Rafiqul Islam
Professor, Dept. of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Dhaka University.


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